Kottke Trucking is proud to announce that Ettienne Alberts has been named our 2019 Fourth Quarter Jim Doering Award of Excellence Winner. Alberts has been with Kottke Trucking since May 2015 when factoring in his Wayne T. Fellows hire date. It has been great having Ettienne as part of the Kottke Trucking family since August.
Ettienne’s nominator said that Ettienne always has a smile on his face. It doesn’t matter if he’s coming in, going our, or somewhere in between, he always appears happy, pleasant, courteous and professional. He greets and speaks to everyone he sees, all with the utmost manners. He has an outstanding work ethic, a bigger smile and an even bigger heart. He is #BleedingBlue and will be an asset to Kottke Trucking for years to come.
The Jim Doering Award of Excellence was established in 2014 in honor of Kottke Trucking’s first employee and nearly 40-year employee Jim Doering. The award is designed to honor a driver each quarter that has the same great qualities that made Jim such a special man. The four winners of the quarterly Jim Doering Award of excellence are also the finalists for the Duane and Connie Kottke Distinguished Driver of the Year Award. Our other Quarterly Award of Excellence recipients for this year are Paul Wright, Sam Harman and Brad Reid.
Congrats, Ettienne! We thank you for your hard work and dedication for #BleedingBlue with us at Kottke Trucking!

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