Kottke Trucking is proud to announce that John Flathau has been named the 2018 Third Quarter Jim Doering Award of Excellence. Flathau has been with Kottke Trucking since 2007 and has been driving for nearly three decades. We are beyond grateful that over a decade of that has been with us.
Members of the Kottke Trucking Executive Team shared their thoughts on Flathau and his receiving of the award.
“John is always a team player, he looks at the big picture and realizes that we are all working for the same end result.” – Kurt Kottke, President
“The quiet professional. Does his work and goes his way. Does things so well that it is easy to forget about how good of a job he does.” – Kyle Kottke, General Manager
“John is a great Owner Operator to have on board. He gets his paperwork in on time and rarely has any issues with his settlements. Because he performs his job so efficiently, we don’t talk to him often but when we do, he is very pleasant and polite.” – Pam Kottke, Vice President of Finance
In the 11 years that Flathau has been driving for Kottke Trucking, he has received a safety award every single year.
The Jim Doering Award of Excellence was established in 2014 in honor of Kottke Trucking’s first employee and nearly 40-year employee Jim Doering. The award is designed to honor a driver each quarter that has the same great qualities that made Jim such a special man. The four winners of the quarterly Jim Doering Award of Excellence each year are also the finalists for the annual Duane and Connie Kottke Distinguished Driver of the Year award. The fifth annual award banquet will be held in January 2019. Mike Doty was the 2018 First Quarter recipient and Les Richling was the 2018 Second Quarter recipient.
Congrats, John! Thank you for your hard work and dedication!
[button link=”http://www.driver-reach.com/l/dcnmb?ls=18640″]Click here to apply to be a Kottke driver![/button]
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