We are just hours away from bringing in a new year and being forced to say goodbye to the year that was. This time of the year brings around the opportunity to do many of things, many of which I find important.
Before you usher in 2015, reflect upon your 2014. Did you meet your goals? Did you get where you wanted to go? Are you satisfied with your 2014? I sure hope that you were.
After reflection comes resolution. New Year resolutions are now quite cliché, but I still find that they are important to have. I find that it is important to have goals to strive for, but it is also imperative that those goals are attainable. It’s really a fine line to walk.
Make goals, but make sure they are a true possibility. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t keep dreaming big, but it is important to have goals you can reach and feel fulfilled about. Your goal in 2015 shouldn’t be becoming the President of the United States, that might be too big, plus it’s impossible since the election isn’t until 2016, but you get my point.
Finally, most importantly, be thankful for the time we have here on this little marble that we call Earth. Just being able to live is a beautiful thing and sometimes we forget the awesome gift that we have every day. Be thankful just to be in 2015.
Bad days will occur in 2015, bad days are inevitable, but don’t let them define you or your year. Make 2015 a great year and define it yourself.
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