Kottke Trucking, Inc. is proud to announce that Donny Braegelmann has been named the 2017 Second Quarter Jim Doering Award of Excellence recipient. Donny has been an employee with Kottke since 2002.
Donny has been a driver board member since it’s creation, serving his fellow drivers and playing an essential role implementing several safety policies. During his time with Kottke, Donny was also nominated by the Minnesota Trucking Association as the May 2007 Driver of the Month. The same attributes which won him the nomination is still strong today in Donny and we are very privileged to have him as part of our Kottke Trucking family.
The Jim Doering Award of Excellence was established in 2014 in honor of our first employee and nearly 40-year employee Jim Doering. The award is designed to honor a driver each quarter that has the same great qualities that made Jim such a special man. The four winners of the quarterly Jim Doering Award of excellence are the finalists for the Duane and Connie Kottke Distinguished Driver of the Year award which will be awarded in January 2018. The first quarter winner for 2017 was Carlo Garcia.
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